
I have completed a read through of the English translations of the CP
(v1.2) and CPS (v4.1). Before I post my comments I wanted to see if there
were any more recent translations?  It looks like the local language
versions are 1.4 and 4.3 respectively.

Many thanks,


On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 2:45 PM, Kathleen Wilson <kwil...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> This request from Guangdong Certificate Authority (GDCA) is to include the
> "GDCA TrustAUTH R5 ROOT" certificate, turn on the Websites trust bit, and
> enabled EV treatment.
> GDCA is a nationally recognized CA that operates under China’s Electronic
> Signature Law. GDCA’s customers are business corporations registered in
> mainland China, government agencies of China, individuals or mainland China
> citizens, servers of business corporations which have been registered in
> mainland China, and software developers.
> The request is documented in the following bug:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1128392
> And in the pending certificates list:
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:PendingCAs
> Summary of Information Gathered and Verified:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=8749437
> Noteworthy points:
> * Root Certificate Download URL:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=8748933
> https://www.gdca.com.cn/cert/GDCA_TrustAUTH_R5_ROOT.der
> * The primary documents are provided in Chinese.
> CA Document Repository: https://www.gdca.com.cn/
> customer_service/knowledge_universe/cp_cps/
> http://www.gdca.com.cn/cp/cp
> http://www.gdca.com.cn/cps/cps
> http://www.gdca.com.cn/cp/ev-cp
> http://www.gdca.com.cn/cps/ev-cps
> Translations into English:
> CP: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=8650346
> CPS: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=8688749
> * CA Hierarchy: This root certificate has internally-operated subordinate
> CAs
> - GDCA TrustAUTH R4 SSL CA (issues 2048-bit SSL certs)
> - GDCA TrustAUTH R4 Generic CA (issues 2048-bit individual certs)
> - GDCA TrustAUTH R4 CodeSigning CA (issues 2048-bit CodeSigning certs)
> - GDCA TrustAUTH R4 Extended Validation SSL CA (issues 2048-bit EV SSL
> certs)
> - GDCA TrustAUTH R4 Extended Validation Code Signing CA (issues 2048-bit
> EV CodeSigning certs)
> * This request is to turn on the Websites trust bit.
> CPS section 3.2.5: For domain verification, GDCA needs to check the
> written materials which can be used to prove the ownership of corresponding
> domain provided by applicant. Meanwhile, GDCA should ensure the ownership
> of domain from corresponding registrant or other authoritative third-party
> databases. During the verification, GDCA needs to perform the following
> procedures:
> 1. GDCA should confirm that the domain's owner is certificate applicant
> based on the information queried from corresponding domain registrant or
> authoritative third-party database and provided by applicant.
> 2. GDCA should confirm that the significant information (such as document
> information of applicant) in application materials are consistent with the
> reply of domain's owner by sending email or making phone call based on the
> contact information (such as email, registrar, administrator's email
> published at this domain's website, etc.) queried from corresponding domain
> registrant or authoritative third-party database.
> If necessary, GDCA also need to take other review measures to confirm the
> ownership of the domain name. Applicant can't refuse to the request for
> providing appropriate assistance.
> * EV Policy OID:
> * Test Website: https://ev-ssl-test-1.95105813.cn/
> * CRL URLs:
> http://www.gdca.com.cn/crl/GDCA_TrustAUTH_R5_ROOT.crl
> http://www.gdca.com.cn/crl/GDCA_TrustAUTH_R4_SSL_CA.crl
> http://www.gdca.com.cn/crl/GDCA_TrustAUTH_R4_Extended_
> Validation_SSL_CA.crl
> http://www.gdca.com.cn/TrustAUTH/ocsp
> * Audit: Annual audits are performed by PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian
> LLP according to the WebTrust criteria.
> WebTrust CA: https://cert.webtrust.org/SealFile?seal=2024&file=pdf
> WebTrust BR: https://cert.webtrust.org/SealFile?seal=2025&file=pdf
> WebTrust EV: https://cert.webtrust.org/SealFile?seal=2026&file=pdf
> * Potentially Problematic Practices: None Noted
> (http://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:Problematic_Practices)
> This begins the discussion of the request from Guangdong Certificate
> Authority (GDCA) to include the "GDCA TrustAUTH R5 ROOT" certificate, turn
> on the Websites trust bit, and enabled EV treatment. At the conclusion of
> this discussion I will provide a summary of issues noted and action items.
> If there are outstanding issues, then an additional discussion may be
> needed as follow-up. If there are no outstanding issues, then I will
> recommend approval of this request in the bug.
> Kathleen
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