On Monday, 14 November 2016 16:57:20 UTC, Jakob Bohm  wrote:
> If this is the only privacy mechanism in 6962bis, I would suggest that
> everyone not employed by either Google or another mass-monitoring
> service block its adoption on human rights grounds and on the basis of
> being a mass-attack on network security.

Whereas I would say almost the precise opposite, the Web PKI is a _public_ 
resource, if you don't want your certificates to be examined by the _public_ 
then you are in the wrong place and need to look into a private CA. Redaction 
has no place in public CT logs. If a private CA wants to operate redacted logs 
in which everything is too murky to make any useful conclusions about anything 
they're welcome to do just that.

Even from this very limited perspective of protecting a subscriber from 
themselves, redaction falls down badly as I explained in my posts when Chromium 
mooted what redaction policies should be accepted earlier this year.

The snooping argument amounts to very little. If you were paying attention to 
CT logs when greatagain.gov was launched, or if you really stare hard at all 
the new certificates logged for the .gov TLD you will have discovered what 
Hillary's transition site would have been called. But amid a media saturated 
with wall-to-wall with US election news, focusing on even the tiniest slivers 
of new information, nobody even mentioned it. Not because the White House staff 
have some elite redaction technology that allowed them keep it off the record 
but because it's just not that interesting.
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