On Monday, 16 October 2017 23:15:51 UTC+1, Jakob Bohm  wrote:
> They have also obfuscated their test by providing bitmasks as decimal
> bigints instead of using hexadecimal or any other format that makes the
> bitmasks human readable.

The essential fingerprinting trick comes down to this (I had to work all this 
out while I was discussing it with Let's Encrypt's @cpu yesterday):

Infineon RSA moduli have weird properties, when you divide them by some (but 
not all) small primes the remainder isn't zero (which would be instantly fatal 
to security) but is heavily biased. For example when divided by 11 the 
remainder is always 1 or 10.

The bitmasks are effectively lists of expected remainders for each small prime, 
if your modulus has an expected remainder for all the 20+ small primes that 
distinguish Infineon, there's a very high chance it was generated using their 
hardware, although it isn't impossible that it was selected by other means. The 
authors could give firm numbers but I have estimated the false positive rate as 
no more than 1-in 2 million. If any of the remainders are "wrong" then your 
keys weren't generated using this Infineon library, there is no "false 
negative" rate.

I believe the November paper will _not_ announce a new category of RSA weak 
keys, but instead will describe how to get better than chance rates of guessing 
RSA private key bits from the public modulus _if_ the key was generated using 
Infineon's library. Such knowledge can be leveraged into a cost effective 
attack using existing known techniques.
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