On Wednesday, 18 October 2017 10:15:03 UTC+1, Rob Stradling  wrote:
> I've completed a full scan of the crt.sh DB, which found 171 certs with 
> ROCA fingerprints.
> The list is at https://misissued.com/batch/28/
> Many of these are Qualified/EUTL certs rather than anything to do with 
> the WebPKI.  Only about half of them chain to roots that are trusted by NSS.

I have been looking mainly at those certificates which seem like they might be 
accepted by plausible Web PKI clients (say, curl for example) regardless of 
their root.

Several have a property that passes the Infineon fingerprint test as written 
but I believe it's as a result of some other (even worse?) flaw in the actual 
key generation method used for these keys. The ones that most confused me have 
M mod p = 1 for all small primes p. The odds against that happening by chance 
with fair random candidates are astronomical. I am pretty sure they aren't from 
Infineon devices because earlier work showed the Infineon key gen process gives 
a very narrow range of Most Significant Bytes for the modulus, and the strange 
moduli are outside that range.

For example: https://crt.sh/?id=13734110

Whatever is wrong with these keys it's separate from the Infineon issue.
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