On Mon, 11 Dec 2017 19:08:43 -0500
Adam Caudill via dev-security-policy
<dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> I can say from my own experience, in some states in the US, it's a
> trivial matter to create a company online, with no validation of
> identity or other information. It takes about 10 minutes, and you'll
> have all the paperwork the next day. When I did this (in a state I
> had never done business in before), there was absolutely no identity
> checks, no identity documents, nothing at all that would tie the
> business to me if I had lied. Creating a business with no connection
> to the people behind it is a very, very simple thing to do.

It may be valuable to understand here that although we often think of
countries like the United States and United Kingdom as places with
great respect for the Rule of Law, they have also both quietly
functioned as places where the rich may hide their wealth with no
questions asked. Even "Who are you?" is too many questions.

The ability to create companies in these countries without anyone
really knowing who controls them or ultimately benefits from any
financial income is a _feature_ not a bug as far as their governments
are concerned.
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