I believe transparency is the best policy.  I think it'd be helpful to the 
community if we could post the email exchange about the revocation. We can 
redact the agreement termination portions if you'd like, but that'd give a lot 
more clarity around what's going on. Do I have your permission to post those 

-----Original Message-----
From: dev-security-policy 
<dev-security-policy-bounces+jeremy.rowley=digicert....@lists.mozilla.org> On 
Behalf Of google.manager--- via dev-security-policy
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 11:54 AM
To: mozilla-dev-security-pol...@lists.mozilla.org
Subject: How do you handle mass revocation requests?


Today many of our customers experienced lengthy delays when attempting to 
contact us via phone, e-mail and live chat. The reason for the delays were due 
to an unexpected e-mail that DigiCert sent to our customers containing some 
inaccurate information. We were not informed that the e-mail would be sent and 
were caught by surprise. We had disabled this e-mail within your control panel 
and opted to send our own notices, though you took it upon yourselves to send 
my personal details to 20,000 customers.

We didn't authorise DigiCert to contact our customers and we didn't approve the 
content of their e-mail. At no time had any private keys been compromised, nor 
had we ever informed to you that any private keys had been compromised. During 
our many discussions over the past week we put it to you that we believe 
Symantec to have operated our account in a manner whereby it had been 
compromised. Your usage of the word compromise has been twisted by you to your 
benefit and is absolutely defamatory.

We believe the orders placed via our Symantec account were at risk and were 
poorly managed. We have been questioning Symantec without response as to 
concerning items for about a year. Symantec simply ignored our concerns and 
appeared to bury them under the next issue that arose.

There are a range of issues that Trustico intends to investigate via legal 

In good conscience we decided it wasn't ideal to have any active SSL 
Certificates on the Symantec systems, nor any that didn't meet our stringent 
security requirements. Our concerns also relate to the upcoming distrust of all 
Symantec SSL Certificate brands within Google Chrome and the reasoning behind 
it. The same management team responsible for that situation is duly employed at 
DigiCert and are fully managing our account, causing grave concern on our part 
as it appears to be business as usual with a new name. We were also a victim 
whereby Symantec mis-issued SSL Certificates owned by us, subsequently we were 
asked to keep the matter quiet, under a confidentially notice.

We had implemented a system to ensure that all customers would receive a 
replacement SSL Certificate, though today it had failed to perform this 

In our view it is absolutely critical that an SSL Certificate performs its 
intended function. Symantec's issue with Google appeared to seal that deal, 
whereby they will all eventually fail due to distrust. In accordance with CAB 
Forum guidelines we acted to immediately revoke active SSL Certificates whereby 
trust was questionable.

Trustico absolutely distrusts the Symantec brand due to the issues that forced 
Symantec into having to hand over its entire authentication business to an 
alternate CA and a range of issues beforehand. Though, Symantec was ultimately 
acquired by DigiCert - though now DigiCert appears to be influenced by the 
Symantec management team - that to date still is managing our account. Trustico 
stopped offering the Symantec brands early February after a meeting with your 
Symantec management team, whereby they had disclosed to us that various 
reckless issues had occurred (recording available).

We realize that this mass revocation is bothersome and time consuming for all 
that have been affected. We're working to contact all customers to get orders 
replaced as priority and working through a backlog of enquiries. 

Unfortunately, things didn't go very well for us today and we are extremely 
sorry for all the confusion and inconvenience that has been caused. We were 
relying on systems that would easily replace and issue SSL Certificates 
automatically, though that didn't occur and we ended up in quite a mess. 
DigiCert didn't work with us to understand the issues and resolve them, we felt 
we were at a dead end.

We'll be following up again shortly with an update surrounding what occurred 
and more information about where we experienced failures. In the meantime, our 
staff are concentrating on getting SSL Certificates issued as quickly as 
possible from a reputable and trusted CA.

As for the question of who is the subscriber, well ultimately that came down to 
the agreement that we had made with you and the agreement on the website. The 
conditions of the subscriber agreement were not honoured by you when it came to 
our requests anyway – so it’s hard to comment on who you refer to be a 
subscriber – even though your subscriber agreement clearly states that the 
reseller is the subscriber in our case.  We instigated revocation of SSL 
Certificates as per your subscriber agreement.

I shall like to further note that DigiCert terminated our contract on Sunday 
25th February immediately after we put to you that we intended to seek a legal 
opinion in respect to the operation of our account and security concerns.

Jeremy, the evidence that we have at hand as per the issues surrounding the 
revocation is somewhat different to what you are disclosing here today. As one 
of Symantec's former largest partners - my personal opinion and personal 
experience is that Symantec is a company that thrives on recklessness and one 
that I wouldn't trust nor deal with.

Zane Lucas
dev-security-policy mailing list

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