On 2009-08-07 11:29 PDT, Aditya Ivaturi wrote:
> If my question doesn't belong in this group, please let me know which
> one I should post in, thanks.
> We use Selenium for web testing automation. And one of the biggest
> problems we face with Selenium is handling of self signed certificates
> (we use self-signed certs for daily builds). There are alternatives
> that do work, but they are not a good solution for as with every build
> our certificates change.

Why not set yourself up with a little CA, and issue all your certs from
it?  That's what NSS QA test scripts do.  It's no harder to issue real
certs from your real CA than to issue self-signed certs, and the results
are infinitely simpler to deal with.  You probably use a single command
line command to issue your self signed certs.  With a different single
comment (probably using the very same tool) you could be issuing certs
that have NO need of any invalid cert overrides.
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