> Why not set yourself up with a little CA, and issue all your certs from
> it?

I should have qualified my query with more info. We are testing
Juniper SSL VPN box, which can be configured via browser only - hence
"web testing" automation in our case. So these daily builds are
presented to us as a single package. And when you install a new build,
a new self-signed cert is generated. If you need to install a real
cert, you have to browse to the relevant admin page & install this
cert. But all of this happens on https, that means you have to accept
the self-signed cert atleast once before you can install the real
cert. And in case of selenium the battle is already lost and hence
this whole exercise. Most of our test bed is virtualized with Vmware
Lab Manager - that means all the client machines images are deployed
at runtime. We could probably circumvent this issue by sticking with a
single vpn box and single client machine and run all our tests with
incremental builds. But that'd defeat a very important goal of our
automation framework - a dynamic test bed.
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