Hi folks! Mozilla has announced [1] that irc.mozilla.org is being officially replaced by an instance of Riot/Matrix, so we now need to make a decision about what happens next. The server will shut down in March 2020, and I see two possible outcomes for our official day-to-day synchronous project discussions:
1) a #servo channel on the Mozilla Matrix instance
2) a #servo channel on irc.freenode.org

Beyond the question of personal comfort with chat clients, I can think of the following considerations:

* logging - we currently rely on http://logs.glob.uno/ for persistent channel logging, run by a Mozilla employee.

* bots
* crowbot is an IRC bot whose biggest responsibilities include github link integration, collecting standups entries, and recording messages for users who aren't online. * bitbot is an IRC bot responsible for reporting github updates to repositories under the servo organization

Please be aware that there exists an IRC gateway for Matrix which ajeffrey has successfully used, so if you really like your IRC client that isn't _necessarily_ a complete blocker.

Am I forgetting anything? I'm on the fence about the choice right now, and I would like to hear from people who semi-regularly contribute to discussions (or have a particular interest in lurking) if they have a preference.


[1] https://discourse.mozilla.org/t/synchronous-messaging-at-mozilla-the-decision/50620/2
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