On 20/12/2019 17:41, Josh Bowman-Matthews wrote:
One more IRC integration that I forgot about - we receive notifications
about daily taskcluster job failures on IRC. We'll want to verify the
plans for the taskcluster-notify service with respect to Matrix.

I asked:

<SimonSapin>      Hi. What’s the future of IRC notifications through
https://docs.taskcluster.net/docs/reference/core/notify/usage ? Will they move 
Matrix? > <tomprince>  I believe they should, yeah. I know it has been talked 
about before
matrix was announced. It will need to be implemented first, though, and I'm not
sure what the taskcluster team's bandwidth for that is.
<bstack>  it's on our radar. probably can get it done in q1?
<bstack>  assuming that their api isn't too hard to work with
<bstack>  also could be a great contributor project actually
https://github.com/taskcluster/taskcluster/tree/master/services/notify looks 
it’s in JS, and https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-js-sdk exists
<bstack>  yeah, the plan is to use that
<bstack>  but it could still take a little while to get it all working
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