On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 13:55:45 +0100
Michael Ströder <mich...@stroeder.com> wrote:

> Patricia,
> we saw several strange things from Certstar during the last days, not
> just one mistake:
> 1. Spam e-mail to StartCom customers showing dubious business
> practices

Spam wasn't just sent to StartCom customers... From 12/02 to 12/21,
spam from CertStar was sent 9 times to webmaster [at] mozilla.org
concerning one of Mozilla's domains. Mozilla has never used CertStar or
Comodo for SSL certificates to my knowledge, and Mozilla doesn't use
webmaster [at] mozilla.org as the e-mail address in its SSL
certificates, so it was most definitely spam. The spams all referenced
http://www.certstar.com/renew/mozilla.org/, which used to point to a
page full of Mozilla's domains and their SSL certificate expiration
dates. Now, the page is just empty (probably the result of the threads
on m.d.t.c). However, it humors me to see
http://www.certstar.com/renew/godaddy.com/ and
http://www.certstar.com/renew/verisign.com/ are still active.

> 3. Strange from address with another famous trademark as local part
> used in another posting here

I'm sure Patricia was just submitting to the newsgroups via Google
Groups, and I bet her google account is the address used in the post
to which you're referring. She probably just forgot to change it to
her work address before sending. I wouldn't fault her or her company for
this "mistake" in any way.


Reed Loden <r...@reedloden.com>
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