Ian G wrote:
Which language suggests they have to do verification *themselves* ?

The fact that the policy talks about a CA, and I didn't see talk about external entities.

BTW, it would be quite problematic to insist that the CAs do this job themselves.

CAs are not generally experts on the issues raised. Traditionally, CAs outsource the processess within verification to a range of different organisations: government registries, commercial credit agencies, credit card companies, passport offices, birth registries, etc. That is, to insist they "do it themselves" would mean that they would have to develop skills that might be better handled elsewhere, and might in the end reduce to moving the deckchairs around.

Yes, it seems reasonable that a CA relies on external sources of information like the ones you mention.

If the CA has obtained information from registry offices like the above, the CA should be able to conclude "verified" on their own. It's a first hand decision.

In my understanding, what we have experienced here was a second hand decision. Some external entity claimed to have done verification. The CA relied on that and treated it as sufficient. That's the bug.

In my opinion, if a CA wants to delegate the decision about correctness of verification to an external party, they must verify the business practices of that external party, requiring the same sense of duty. And my proposal is, as part of this test, the external party should go through the same kind of audit that Mozilla requires for CAs.

As I see verification as the core intention of the CA principle, I would have assumed above requirement is obvious to everyone, at least to CAs themselves.

However, to turn it into a criteria or policy point, you would need to much more clearly refine your point, *and* you should clearly relate it to how this will improve security. I suggest this is much tougher than it sounds.

I'm not talking about improving security. I want to ensure we forbid lowering of verification quality through the backdoor.

My point is, we must find a way to ensure the purpose of the CA audit can not become void. We should forbid the practice to delegate the core of verification to external entities with unknown sense of duty.


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