On 12/30/2008 03:24 PM, Kai Engert:
As I see verification as the core intention of the CA principle, I would
have assumed above requirement is obvious to everyone, at least to CAs

One of Comodo's CPS (the one responsible for PositiveSSL) claims:

To validate PositiveSSL and PositiveSSL Wildcard Secure Server
Certificates, *Comodo* checks that the Subscriber has control.....
....and the use of generic e-mails which ordinarily are only
available to person(s) controlling the domain name administration, for
example, webmaster@ . . ., postmaster@ . . ., admin@;

However the general CPS says something else. See other thread "Facts about Comodo Resellers and RAs".

Nevertheless I believe that most CAs indeed take domain validation seriously. CAs must provide confirmation concerning that during inclusion requests. Comodo has not disclosed what I found now. As such there is no backdoor.


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