On 09.04.2010 00:41, Matt McCutchen wrote:
On Thu, 2010-04-08 at 09:59 -0700, Robert Relyea wrote:
The yellow larry is a good proposal, and probably implementable much
sooner than noisy warnings.

I'm glad you like it.  I guess the next thing needed is for someone to
actually implement it, perhaps me if I can figure out how.

I wrote about this 3 months ago:

Option (d) "invent a new notification" is the same as your proposal to "show yellow".

We'd have to do everything that I described there, related to (d), which is more work than simply switching to "broken security" or "adding console output".

In short, security level detection and GUI display are done at different layers of the software, so we'd have to add new signaling between layers.

In addition, "color" should never be the only notification mechanism, because some people are color blind. So, if your proposed change is to "only" switch Larry to yellow, I believe it would be not sufficient.

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