On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 11:21 AM, Dirk-Willem van Gulik <
di...@webweaving.org> wrote:

> On 25 Sep 2015, at 10:36, helpcrypto helpcrypto <helpcry...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I hope you can find a solution for my problem, cause I can't. (And
> perhaps it's impossible)
> > Based on my knowledge of PKCS#11 standard, the spec is exposed to a MITM
> attack that steals the PIN when an application invokes C_Login against a
> PK#11 library.
> ...
> > Sadly, using Pinpads is out of scope/beyond our possibilities.
> This won’t solve your problem directly - but may still be useful
> (especially as I am guessing that as you are CC-ing the Mozilla list - that
> you are concerned with browsers).

One way we got things this to pass munster was to carefully make a
> threatmap/actor analysies - and then meet the various compliance & infosec
> expectations was by 1) dispensing with the PIN and 2) having a `what you
> know’ as part of the interaction through the browser (only).

Server-side signature won't be a problem, as security is left for the
browser, but we are using cards, so the PIN has to reach the card, where
the certificate is stored.

> As this concerned access to something which was only accessible through
> the browser - we essentially argued that if one where able to manipulate
> the local browser/keyboard/system to such an extent as to be able to
> capture the PIN near the PKCS library/driver  - one would almost most
> certainly be able to get `at’ whatever the chipcard & pin where protecting
> `in’ the browser.

We are actually at that point. Browser is displaying a random number (kind
of OTP) and application show it to let the user know the request is
But we still have the issue with the data sent from server. eg: server sent
"sign these 10 documents" to our opensource Java local application which
asks PKCS#11 to do it.
Anyone could decompile, and inject an 11th doc on the request.
That's what we are trying to avoid and our opinion is actually: if the
computer is compromised, you can't do anything.

Thanks for your answers
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