On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 11:15 AM, Andreas Schwier <
andreas.schwier...@cardcontact.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> you mention a common problem with PIN authentication and smart cards: To
> keep the PIN protected on the path between the PIN entry and chip must
> be protected.
> There are two alternatives:
> 1. Establish a secure channel between the card and the PIN pad.

If you are talking about 7816 SM, we can't, cause the provider doesn''t
give us the needed keys.

> 2. Replace PIN authentication with public key authentication
> The first is what TR-03110 does with PACE: The PIN is never traversing
> the path from PIN pad to the card.
> Alternatively you could use a protocol like ChipAuthentication to create
> the secure channel before PIN verification occurs.
> For C_Login the alternative is to use CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH
> and have a PIN dialog in the PKCS#11 module.

Our card doesn't support that.
Also note that not only the PIN is exposed, but the requests for signature.
(I send 5 documents to be signed, evil application add 1 and the user
signed 6 without our knowledge)

> The second option is not very common with cards, even though that has a
> lot of potential for server based scenarios.
> In the current SmartCard-HSM we support creating a secure channel using
> ChipAuthentication and use that channel to submit the PIN. The secure
> channel is based on a 3 tier PKI that is used during device production
> to issue a device certificate for the ChipAuthentication public key.
> In the upcoming 2.0 release of the SmartCard-HSM we support public key
> authentication (PKA) as replacement for PIN. PKA can be used in
> combination with an n-of-m threshold scheme, so it is specifically
> suited for applications where access to keys must be shared between key
> custodians.

Sadly, our card is "closed" and we are not able to do anything...otherwise
i could load a Javacard applet to do what I need in a secure way.

> Furthermore, our *lovely* card sends APDU for login in plainText, so
> anyone
> > could see "1234" easily. And we are not able to establish a secure
> channel
> > cause we lack the required keys.
> >
> >
> > Seems what I really need is something like a Javacard applet with an
> > embebed "server public key", a component certificate and a session
> keypair
> > for mutual authentication and cipher communications between server and
> > client, but we aren't able to load this applet on the Card.
> That's what the SmartCard-HSM does. And this is the mechanism we use
> with the PKI-as-a-Service Demo [1]. A client (OCF) that acts as a
> reverse APDU proxy connects to the server. The server application talks
> to the remote card just like it talks to a locally connected card. It
> initially reads and validates the device certificate, establishes a
> secure channel with ChipAuthentication and then perform operations with
> the card.
> In the demo case, the PIN is entered locally at the client, either in
> pop-up or using a PIN pad reader. The PIN is then bound to the secure
> channel and if the secure channel terminates, the PIN authentication is
> reset.

Have to have an eye on [1]!

> > So, to sum up it seems it won't be possible to do what I need: a server
> > asking to sign 10 documents and being sure only those are signed.
> That can be done. I even know a web based application that can
> electronically sign document according to the strict German signature law.
> >
> > I understand this is Anders (& CO) argument about "smartcards were not
> > designed for Web"
> Not all smart cards are equals ;-)
> >
> >
> > In the other hand, do you think is possible to "extend" WebcryptoAPI to
> > generate/use keys to/from browser or system keystore?
> That is something I never understood. Why does WebcryptoAPI not support
> PKCS#11 ? What's the hidden agenda with software keys in the browser ?
> Is it because Google/NSA want to know the key ?
> IMHO, how it actually works, sucks.
> FullAck.
> Andreas
> [1] http://demo.openscdp.org/paas.html

I really have to read about this, but I don't know if our card will support
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