On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 11:32 AM, David Woodhouse <dw...@infradead.org> wrote:
> Do you even have a way for a nickname to be entered in text form, such
> that you could "maliciously" be given a PKCS#11 URI instead of the
> normal "token:nickname" form? Perhaps a user could edit a config file?
> Or is it *all* selected via a GUI, as far as the user is concerned?


Let's work back from first principals, because you're being
self-contradictory in replies.

As you yourself note, this change would mean that any time an
application can be introduced a "nickname" from some source (whether
an API, a configuration file, a command-line flag) suddenly has a new
semantic structure to the nickname over the present NSS.

You present this as a positive change - all NSS using applications
don't need to change. I've tried, repeatedly, to explain to you how
that is an observable API difference. It means that nicknames supplied
(again, whatever the API) now have additional structure and form.

Your justification seems to be that because you can't imagine my
application doing it, I shouldn't be concerned. But just re-read the
above and you can see how it affects every application - there's now a
new structure and form, and that changes how applications deal with
the API (*especially* if they did anything with that configuration
flag, which, under present NSS, is perfectly legal)

Your change has observable differences. It breaks the API. Thus, it
makes sense to introduce a new API. An application cannot safely
assume it will 'just work' if your change was integrated - instead,
authors would need to audit every API call they interact with
nicknames from any source *other* than direct NSS calls, and see if
they're affected.

That's simply not an appropriate way to handle API changes.

If we can't agree on these first principles, there's no point in
discussing Chrome's behaviour, because it simply builds upon them.
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