On 2/28/18 2:02 AM, Manish Goregaokar wrote:
Oh, you're asking for it to continue to work with semantic HTML?

I'm saying that this feature is there for actual data tables. And that the suggestion that Grid is a replacement is not actually helpful given that.

That won't work, you'd need to create a new table with grid stuff.

Seems to me that asking people to do this for an actual data table is just as bad as asking people to use tables for layout. ;)

In that case we probably shouldn't unship?

The one thing I haven't seen so far is why we should unship, really. Is the only reason that no one else supports it? (To be clear, this can absolutely be a valid reason, especially if the other UAs have explicitly said they will not add support or the feature causes some other problems too, in terms of either implementation or the health of the web.)

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