On 2/15/18 4:17 PM, Mike Drob wrote:
What do we do if the trial is wildly successful? Is there a migration
for our currently open issues? We have almost 1000 of them.

As Keith said in the other thread, we don't need to have all the answers up

You're right, we don't need to have all of the answers up front.
This is one that I'd like to have some thought put into though.

There's lots of things that are fine to handle as we approach it, but this
one seems like it will lead to us having split issue trackers for_years_
down the road.

This is a good point I hadn't yet considered.

There's not only the migration question that eventually needs to be answered, but an immediate question of how will we determine when we can release a version of Accumulo? Are there conventions/features on the GH issues side that will provide some logical analog to the fixVersion of JIRA?

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