I have updated the README.md file in the fork, see
https://github.com/cjwmorgan-sol-sys/nms-amqp, for the project to show the
features supported by the amqp provider. Let me know if there are any

I have also been working on adding SSL/TLS configuration with client
certificate authentication (as well as improving/adding transport
configuration). I plan to make the amqp provider configure transport/SSL
properties in similar way to ActiveMQ and Stomp providers, using the URI
Query parameters. I think it would be a good to match the property names
with ActiveMQ and Stomp property names as they seem to be similar to each
other as well. Unless there is good reason not to.

I noticed the ActiveMQ and Stomp have provider URI configuration pages, as
well as build notes. Where and how are those created? I would think I will
need to update those for the amqp provider pages, perhaps make a Jira Task?
Although I can update the project README.md in the meantime if that's not
good place to edit yet.

Chris Morgan

Chris Morgan
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