On 02/01/2018 03:08 PM, cmorgan wrote:
I have updated the README.md file in the fork, see
https://github.com/cjwmorgan-sol-sys/nms-amqp, for the project to show the
features supported by the amqp provider. Let me know if there are any

I have also been working on adding SSL/TLS configuration with client
certificate authentication (as well as improving/adding transport
configuration). I plan to make the amqp provider configure transport/SSL
properties in similar way to ActiveMQ and Stomp providers, using the URI
Query parameters. I think it would be a good to match the property names
with ActiveMQ and Stomp property names as they seem to be similar to each
other as well. Unless there is good reason not to.

I noticed the ActiveMQ and Stomp have provider URI configuration pages, as
well as build notes. Where and how are those created? I would think I will
need to update those for the amqp provider pages, perhaps make a Jira Task?
Although I can update the project README.md in the meantime if that's not
good place to edit yet.
The NMS project website is generated from the pages that are maintained in the Confluence Wiki.  Since the project is being worked on outside Apache for now it isn't yet time to add documentation for the project to the NMS site.

Chris Morgan

Chris Morgan
Sent from: http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/ActiveMQ-Dev-f2368404.html

Tim Bish
twitter: @tabish121
blog: http://timbish.blogspot.com/

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