I think we should have "separate repos for development" too.

3 Repos in total:

1) apache/airflow
2) apache/airflow-docker-image
3) apache/airflow-helm-chart

(1) *apache/airflow* should use a pinned stable version of Airflow Helm
chart to run Kubernetes tests
(2) *apache/airflow* already has *Dockerfile.ci* file which it can use to
run airflow tests on docker images.
(3) *apache/airflow-docker-image *should use the latest available stable
version of airflow
(4) *apache/airflow-helm-chart *should use the latest available stable
version of airflow

Having such split also makes some updates more difficult - for example if
> we add new "extra" to Airflow that will require to install "apt" dependency
> in Dockerfile, we will have to split it into first adding the dependency to
> Dockerfile, and once it is merged, we can add the extra to airflow with
> setup.py.

Adding a new extra to setup.py would not (and should not) impact the
development of *apache/airflow-docker-image*
Once an RC is cut for apache/airflow or after a new version is released for
apache/airflow, we can work on supporting the new airflow version in the
Production Docker Image.
While doing that we can add all the libraries that are needed by the new
Airflow Version and we will have a clean commit history and changelog for
Docker image.

We definitely do not need to work parallelly on both the repos. By doing
development in a separate repo we keep consistent "source" files and we can
release each artifact with a
separate cadence. If someone discovers bug in newly released Dockerimage,
we should be easily able to cut out a new release with the patch without
worrying about how development is
going in the apache/airflow repo.

*Apache Flink & Apache CoucheDB *does it in the similar manner:

https://github.com/apache/flink & https://github.com/apache/flink-docker
https://github.com/apache/couchdb & https://github.com/apache/couchdb-docker


On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 9:50 PM Jarek Potiuk <jarek.pot...@polidea.com>

> I do not think it's only the question of Mono/Multi repos. While I clearly
> see the benefit of separate repos I also see some drawbacks.
> And if it bothers others, I am happy to follow the majority. If we think
> that a bit more complexity in testing justifies separating those three
> completely and having more "clean"- it's also workable but IMHO introduces
> certain complexity in development.
> However I think this is not 0/1 a kind of Hybrid approach in my opinion
> might be best of both worlds - development and releases .
> Let me explain what I mean by "Hybrid":
> I think we definitely should have separate repositories to release those
> artifacts and I think there is no doubt about it:
> * airflow (apache/airflow)
> * prod docker image (apache/airflow-docker)
> * helm chart (apache/airflow-helm)
> * api clients (we already have separate repos for those)
> (apache/airflow-client-*)
> I think the only question is where we develop all those (develop !=
> release). There are certain benefits of having a single "master" (let's
> call it "development" further) for all those artifacts. Currently the
> "development" version for all of those is in one repo - and while
> developing one depends on the other, we also test all of those together and
> this means that "current best" set of airflow sources (including
> dependencies in setup.py), Dockerfile and Helm chart work. This means for
> example that you will not be able to break the Helm Chart by changing
> anything that the helm chart depends on in airflow. For example if you
> change "airflow webserver" into "airflow server" the current helm chart
> will break. Similarly if you change entrypoint,sh in Docker image in a way
> that is not compatible with Helm chart, we will not let that happen - the
> CI tests will break if either of those changes in an incompatible way. And
> we can have dependencies in any direction between those three. When we see
> a commit break either of the three - we can make a decision about what to
> do - either accept and document the incompatibility or fix it.
> Of course keeping that property (testing it all together) is also possible
> if they are in completely separate repos. There are several
> cross-dependencies - Docker image building depends on dependencies in
> setup.py for example, you cannot build Docker image from only Dockerfile
> without the sources of airflow nor build and test helm charts without the
> image (and sources - because that's where the current kubernetes tests
> are). If we want to continue doing it for both Helm and Dockerfile, we
> would have to basically check out the latest sources of Airflow and run the
> CI tests before merging any Docker or Helm Chart changes and the opposite -
> we will have to download Dockerfile/Helm chart and build image/install Helm
> chart when we are running CI tests for Airflow. This is possible and we
> could do it, but it adds complexity to the build/CI process.
> Having such split also makes some updates more difficult - for example if
> we add new "extra" to Airflow that will require to install "apt" dependency
> in Dockerfile, we will have to split it into first adding the dependency to
> Dockerfile, and once it is merged, we can add the extra to airflow with
> setup.py. This makes it quite difficult to test it together though (the
> Dockerfile change can only be tested fully after merging it to master). Not
> mentioning complexity of managing different versions - your local
> development Dockerfile version vs sources of Airflow for example. Imagine
> switching between branches where you add two different apt dependencies to
> the Dockerfile. There are more similar scenarios I can imagine - especially
> for parallel changes in those repos.
> This is of course doable to keep them separate, but it is quite a bit more
> complex to set up (especially for a consistent development environment)
> when you have separate repos and prevent cross-breaking changes might be
> more difficult.
> I believe that the best way is to continue developing airflow + image +
> chart in one repo - airflow, but release them from those separate repos.
> Airflow source release does not have to contain neither chart, nor image.
> And even if it contains sources for those, they are not the final
> "artifacts" (installable image and installable helm chart).
> Whenever we decide to release either of them - we test it in "development".
> Then only when it is tested, we copy the sources to those separate repos
> and release them.
> With git -  we can even do it very easily while preserving history of
> commits easily (been there, done that). And then we could release Helm and
> Docker image separately based on the commits and tags in those separate
> repositories.
> I agree that separate repos is a more "clean" approach. But I think it is
> less convenient for development consistency.
> J,
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 9:35 PM Kaxil Naik <kaxiln...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Forgot to mention, having them in separate repo also helps in better
> > managing each individual artifacts.
> >
> > Each repo would have a separate Github Issue where we can track the issue
> > specific to Helm chart or Dockerfile.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Kaxil
> >
> > On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 8:30 PM Kaxil Naik <kaxiln...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > The PMC also needs to agree if we want separate VOTING for Docker Image
> > > and Helm chart, I think we do.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Kaxil
> > >
> > > On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 8:06 PM Kaxil Naik <kaxiln...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > >> Hi all,
> > >>
> > >> What do you all think about having Dockerfile and Helm chart in the
> same
> > >> "Airflow" Repo vs separate?
> > >>
> > >> I feel having a separate repo for Airflow Dockerfile and Helm chart
> have
> > >> more benefits like easy to track changes (via Changelog), easy for new
> > >> contributors, separate release cadence.
> > >>
> > >> Currently, docker file and Helm Chart are inside the same repo and
> when
> > >> we release changelog for a new Airflow version, it would include all
> > >> changes (Airflow + Dockerfile + Helm chart) which I think is not that
> > great.
> > >>
> > >> Also having them all inside a single repo means changes in Helm Chart
> > and
> > >> Dockerfile can block Airflow release. We could use stable Helm Chart
> > >> version and Dockerfile version to test Airflow so that they are
> > blockers to
> > >> release too.
> > >>
> > >> Happy to hear the thoughts from the community.
> > >>
> > >> Regards,
> > >> Kaxil
> > >>
> > >
> >
> --
> Jarek Potiuk
> Polidea <https://www.polidea.com/> | Principal Software Engineer
> M: +48 660 796 129 <+48660796129>
> [image: Polidea] <https://www.polidea.com/>

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