First of all, thanks for being so charitable in engaging in this dialogue,
I appreciate it.

Yeah I think that the notion that maybe Airflow is making really
impractical promises with SLA, well that could be true.

One question for you, as I continue to let this percolate.

Can you help me understand why, from a technical perspective, you
determined that, calculating task sla against "when it should have started"
(i.e. "the old behavior", as I understand it) is so problematic that we
need to scrap that behavior?  I'm not saying it's not, but just want to
understand better what you found.  My sense is that you determined that it
involves too much polling and querying overy too great a pool of potential
tasks to be practical.  But if you could provide some details that would
help me understand.  If it's already been hashed out in a thread, I'm happy
to be directed there.  I looked at the AIP and did not find detailed
discussion of this.

Thank you

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