I don't think of it as really a question about accurate record keeping but
more a question of what an SLA is, i.e. when do you want the warning, or
what do you want the warning based on.  I think that the idea has been that
it really means, "if task not done by X time each day then warn".  And the
way this was defined is dag schedule + timedelta.  And, it does seem that
this is sort of a desired feature.  Indeed it just came up again in one of
the keynotes. But, it will be nice to talk about it tomorrow and see what
others think.

Thanks for the blog post.  Reading it was productive for me.  I hadn't
really considered the fact that the existing way that SLA works could be
counterintuitive.  I can see how it wcould be.  You set it as a timedelta
param on a task, and then this timedelta is added to the dag "should start"
date, instead of task duration.  Anyway, again, look forward to chatting
about it.

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