Hey here,

FINALLY - after 5 months (a little more than I initially anticipated - I
thought it will take 3-4 months) we can finally add Python 3.12.

The time is about right - a day that we plan to cut the Airflow `v2-9-test`
branch !!

Thanks to Bolke for the final push on the Universal Pathlib migration (and
Andreas Poehlmann who is the Universal Pathlib Maintainer). That was the
final blocker that kept us from adding the support for 3.12 !!!!

The PR is all "GREEN" https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/36755 and
waits for reviews :)


A bit more details on 3.12 support:

While Airflow fully supports 3.12, we had to exclude 3 providers from
Python 3.12 support (temporarily - all of them will be included back when
they support 3.12):

* *apache.beam* (beam has no 3.12 support yet) and looking at the state of
the ticket here we will wait a bit more

* *apache.cassandra* (the default setup for cassandra does not work with
3.12 and requires custom compilation) - they are working on releasing a
build that works (the problem is their binary driver does not have the
right library compiled in). Should be fixed in the next cassandra-driver
release (3.30.0). Either because they fix their build environment to
compile the libev support in
https://datastax-oss.atlassian.net/browse/PYTHON-1378 or when they promote
asyncio reactor to be "production ready":

* *papermill *(not sure if they will release a new version with  3.12
support any time soon. The fix is already merged
https://github.com/nteract/papermill/pull/771 - but the last release of
papermill happened in November, and there is not much activity in the

All the other providers seem to happily work in the Python 3.12 environment.


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