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> On 23 Apr 2017, at 03:46, Hitesh Shah <> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 8:19 AM, Chris Riccomini <>
> wrote:
>>> Version in pkg-info has an rc0 notation. It should just be
>> 1.8.1-incubating.
>> This is a bit tricky to do with Python builds. I don't really want to keep
>> building RCs with the exact same version number. We bake these RCs in real
>> environments, so we need to version them with something that distinguishes
>> one from another. Once we set the version, that propagates into the
>> pkg-info. The plan is to rebuild the final RC that passes without the rc
>> notation, so the release doesn't contain it.
> I understand the rationale but this means that there is a potential
> difference in what is being voted upon and what is eventually being
> published as a release.
> thanks
> -- Hitesh

Hi Hitesh,

This is a chicken and egg problem. If we put a non release 1.8.1 online users 
will download  and install it. An update to this package will not trigger an 
upgrade on the user's side and it is hard to recognize (one will need to 
compare signature). It puts them at risk. 

Do you know how other python projects solved this? I will reach out to the 
libcloud guys and ask them how they did it (also python). 


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