Hey folks, 

I just had a call with Benjamin and we talked about the ability to integrate 
annotator into getmemex.com <http://getmemex.com/>
Right now we use the Hypothes.is <http://hypothes.is/> library but it is 
causing us some troubles (mainly the ram usage for hooking it into each tab)

But also we are about to start the development of the Pocket-style 
offline-reader for desktop and mobile on which we want to also integrate 
annotation capabilities. 
This means there is an anticipated use case where people annotate on a 
reader-version and want to see the annotations also successfully anchored on a 
live html page. Annotating a reader-version will be missing a lot of details 
usually used for anchoring the annotations, so the challenge would be to make 
those interoperable with Apache Annotator.

So the questions I have: 
1. How mature is Annotator in terms of its ability to replace the hypothesis 
annotation library? What still needs to be done (and how much work for that? 
Where do you need help?)
2. How much work do you anticipate for a replacement? 
3. What do you think will be the challenges to get Apache Annotator work on 
both a reader and a full-html version?

I’ve been looking forward to find a way to collaborate so hopefully this time 
is the time!

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