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Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Med vänlig hälsningMartin 

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Country of Origin for Apache Ant 1.9.1
> Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2016 22:33:06 +0000
> Good afternoon,
> I am trying to determine whether the open-source software packages listed 
> below are TAA-compliant.  My understanding is that TAA (the U. S. Trade 
> Agreements Act) defines the Country of Origin as the country where the 
> software is built--where final compilation occurs.  Can you tell me in what 
> country the build server for the binaries/JARs for Ant and Ant-Launcher 1.9.1 
> was located?
> Thanks very much for any information--or pointers to others who may have 
> relevant information.  This question seemed more appropriate to the Developer 
> List than the User List.  The ASF help folks advised me that the Release 
> Manager for this version might be the best source for this information, but I 
> don't think the RM is listed on public-facing documentation.
> Regards,
>   Richard Austin
>   Software Development Engineer
>   Hewlett Packard Enterprise
> Software Packages:
> Apache Ant 1.9.1
> Apache Ant-launcher 1.9.1

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