Andreas Bröker wrote:

> Hello Martin,
> we have made a simple test programm that uses the XCellRange
> interface of an XTextTable in order to return a cell range in a loop.
> That is enough in order to crash

While this is something that should be investigated I doubt that you can
draw any general conclusions about API stability from the usage of one
or a few particular interfaces or methods.

A very probable explanation for the crash is that the implementation you
called in your test program has a bug. As long as this isn't sorted out
we shouldn't speculate on potential threading problems, general leaks etc.

Can you provide us with a "ready to run" testcase? Then please create an
issue and attach the testing code to it.

Another interesting test would be using OOo Basic or another method to
execute the code (Java or C++) in-process.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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