Mathias Bauer wrote:
Martin Thoma wrote:

Hi Sven,

if you can break it down to some simple code that crashes OO I suggest to
add it to the issue Andreas has opened:

Perhaps a simple load/print/store-procedure called in a loop will do it.

No, please keep this as a separate issue. As written already I consider
this to be implementation problems, and because both examples call
different APIs they most probably trigger different bugs.

Please don't mix up problems (crashes) in particular API implementations
with a general "API stability". Moreover, the latter doesn't exist at
all because the API is only a virtual entity, not something that it
assigned to real code.

What you seem to point to is a general stability or instability of the
UNO language binding(s) or UNO itself (because this is real code that
mediates between your code and the API implementation code I was talking
about), but I'm sure that this is not the case here (of course only as
sure as one can be without knowing the root cause beforehand ;-)).

We have enough examples that have proven that neither UNO nor the Java
or C++ language binding have problems with any number of calls, so we
either have an implementation problem (bug) or a very rare though still
possible problem with a particular UNO use case (though - as I said - I
assign a very low probability to the latter).

We will examine the problem reported by Andreas, let's see what comes out.

The issue has been analyzed, the culprit is code in sw that does not bear simultaneous construction and destruction of different instances of certain object types (there are two threads involved in soffice, one on which the Java app sends the 100000 calls, and a second one on which the Java app sends UNO release calls from Java finalizers). See i50955 for details.

If you experience similar problems, you can wait to see if the eventual fix for i50955 fixes your problem too, or file a separate issue. The more detail you supply in the issue, the easier it is to analyze it.


Best regards,

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