Jan Füssel wrote:

> I don't want a second service with an equal name. i need a component, that
> has the same functionality like the other fields in OOo. In other words: i
> want an own component, which i can insert in an textdoc via the
> "insertTextContent"-method out of a basic macro. this component has a few
> more application-specific methods like getId().
> does anybody know a way to do this?

I don't think that this is doable as long as text fields are only
"internal" services as I described and they are still used through their
C++ interfaces internally.

> off-topic: is its good-stil of this mailing-list to mark the subject with
> [api-dev]? cause i didn't found such an comment in the mailinglist-rules on
> project-hp.

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Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
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