Dear Marc:

Thanks for suggestions.

> E.g. why do you have to fetch the connection from OO.o, wouldn't
simply using the same database URL do for the different parts of the

> Maybe embedding OO.o via the OO.o-java-bean can help rearranging the
relations between application parts?

> write a component in your favourite language for handing over the
connection to the java app?

If I am not mistaken, all these approaches eventually lead to the same
issue of conversion between sdbc.XConnection and java.sql.Connection.
Frank has succinctly summarized the situation in his previous comments.

Many applications are designed and based solely on the OO Base *.odb
files.  The *.odb files are used either as the sole gateway to other
JDBC data sources (MySQL, Oracle, etc.) or as a genuine data source
(embedded HSQLDB).  Therefore these applications would not encounter the
need of conversion between sdbc.XConnection and java.sql.Connection.
Unfortunately my business constraints make this approach impractical.

> use dirty tricks aka workarounds to achive your goal until the API
solution has made it's way into the code of OO.o. ;)

> Donate Money or hire some programmer(s) for working at the
XConnection- or linked tables-issue -> no waiting. Or tell your client
to do so, he surely is saving enough from licence cost using OO.o ...

That is why I was soliciting advice from the OO teams.  The OO teams
have established a long term vision on the comprehensive OO
architecture.  The OO UNO design is particularly strong in terms of
uniform interface for cross platform and remote invocation.  Development
effort (workaround) misaligned with the OO architecture vision might not
be in the best interest of OO growth.  

Regarding the donation, it becomes the old chicken and egg issue.
Employees have to align with company's official line of business
partnership alliance.  So we turn to the tried and true "bait and
switch" strategy: demonstrate the benefit in prototype and then pursue
the official adoption.  Always an art in subject, easier said than done.
Let us move this item off this technical forum.

Thanks again for feedback.


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