Hi Mikahil,

this is a long message, so please be patient ;-).

Mikhail Voytenko wrote:

indeed, the usage of XStorageBasedDocument is the correct approach to get the storage the document is based on. It allows get the storage implementation related to the package format. META-INF/manifest.xml stream is a part of the package format, this is why it can not be accessed using the package storage implementation.

The streams other than manifest.xml in META-INF should be editable using this approach, it is a bug if it is not so. The folder can be handled as a usual substorage in those cases.

The document analyzed is the same in both the simplified code snippets below, but it's available in full through an anonymous accessible svn repository, if needed.

In this first example, I can access the whole document storage, creating a storage object starting from the document URL.


XComponentContext _xCompCtx)
        // try from url
Object oObj = _xMCF.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.embed.StorageFactory", _xCompCtx); XSingleServiceFactory xStorageFactory = (XSingleServiceFactory)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XSingleServiceFactory.class,oObj);

        Object args[]=new Object[2];
        args[0] = aTheDocURL;
        args[1] = ElementModes.READ;

        Object oMyStorage = xStorageFactory.createInstanceWithArguments(args);

        XStorage xThePackage;
xThePackage = (XStorage) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XStorage.class, oMyStorage );
        String sElementName = "";

        sElementName = "ObjectReplacements";
XStorage xSubStore = xThePackage.openStorageElement(sElementName, ElementModes.READ);

// the following function accesses recursively a substorage
        fillElementList(xSubStore, aElements,sElementName+"/", do_recurse);
//Object folders
        String aObjectName = new String("Object ");
        String[] aObjName = xThePackage.getElementNames();
        for(int i = 0; i < aObjName.length; i++) {
                sElementName = aObjName[i];
if((aObjName[i].indexOf(aObjectName) != -1) && xThePackage.isStorageElement(aObjName[i])) { XStorage xAnotherSubStore = xThePackage.openStorageElement(aObjName[i], ElementModes.READ);
aElements,aObjName[i]+"/", true);

With the above code I got the following correct package structure, without runtime error:

  ObjectReplacements/Object 1
  ObjectReplacements/Object 2
  ObjectReplacements/Object 3
  ObjectReplacements/Object 4
  ObjectReplacements/Object 5
  ObjectReplacements/Object 6
  Object 1/content.xml
  Object 1/styles.xml
  Object 1/settings.xml
  Object 2/content.xml
  Object 2/styles.xml
  Object 2/settings.xml
  Object 3/content.xml
  Object 3/styles.xml
  Object 3/settings.xml
  Object 4/content.xml
  Object 4/styles.xml
  Object 4/settings.xml
  Object 5/content.xml
  Object 5/styles.xml
  Object 5/settings.xml
  Object 6/content.xml
  Object 6/styles.xml
  Object 6/settings.xml

In the second example I'll use the XStorageBaseDocument to retrieve the document storage, here it goes.

// the xModel variable below is the XModel I got in a
// synchronous job when instantiated
// at the load finished event (OnLoad event)

        XStorage xStorage = null;
        XStorageBasedDocument xDocStorage =
(XStorageBasedDocument)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XStorageBasedDocument.class, xModel );

        xStorage = xDocStorage.getDocumentStorage();
        sElementName = "ObjectReplacements";
XStorage xSubStore = xStorage.openStorageElement(sElementName, ElementModes.READ);

//same function as above
        fillElementList(xSubStore, aElements,sElementName+"/", true);
// now the code is the same as above                    
        //Object folders
        String aObjectName = new String("Object ");
        String[] aObjName = xStorage.getElementNames();
        for(int i = 0; i < aObjName.length; i++) {
                sElementName = aObjName[i];
if((aObjName[i].indexOf(aObjectName) != -1) && xStorage.isStorageElement(aObjName[i])) {

// the followin line rises an exception, while it shouldn't
// com.sun.star.io.IOException, see below
XStorage xAnotherSubStore = xStorage.openStorageElement(aObjName[i], ElementModes.READ);
aElements,aObjName[i]+"/", true);


With the above code I got the following (wrong!) document package structure:

This package contains the following elements:
  ObjectReplacements/Object 1
  ObjectReplacements/Object 2
  ObjectReplacements/Object 3
  ObjectReplacements/Object 4
  ObjectReplacements/Object 5
  ObjectReplacements/Object 6

As it can be seen, the "Object 1", "Object 2" elements, where the OLE objects are actually stored, are missing.

Besides I got the following exception:


it.plio.ext.xades.ooo.pack.DigitalSignatureHelper createElemeList "Object 1" missing
com.sun.star.bridges.jni_uno.JNI_proxy.dispatch_call(Native Method) com.sun.star.bridges.jni_uno.JNI_proxy.invoke(JNI_proxy.java:178)
$Proxy30.openStorageElement(Unknown Source)

the next line is the one indicated in the above code

it.plio.ext.xades.jobs.sync.SyncJob.initThisDocumentURLData(SyncJob.java:699) it.plio.ext.xades.jobs.sync.SyncJob.execute(SyncJob.java:457)


I'm afraid it's not something simple to explain...

Thanks, anyway.

Kind Regards,
Giuseppe Castagno
Acca Esse http://www.acca-esse.eu

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