
Giuseppe Castagno ha scritto:
In this first example, I can access the whole document storage,
creating a storage object starting from the document URL.
In the second example I'll use the XStorageBaseDocument to retrieve
the document storage, here it goes.
With the above code I got the following (wrong!) document package structure:
Besides I got the following exception:

I tried to reproduce the problem.
I've prepared a sample document (Calc) with some OLE object embedded.
and some starbasic macros to reproduce the problem:
(I can provide the document if needed)

The code tries to access to the document storage a first time using the com.sun.star.embed.StorageFactory and the document URL

and a second time using the XStorageBaseDocument of the document itself

As Giuseppe reported, using the second method causes IO errors

Below the Starbasic code I've used (
In attachment the two log files

Paolo M

REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Dim mLog()

Sub Main

    oStorageFactory = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.embed.StorageFactory")
  sURL = "file:///home/paolo/test.ods"
  iMode = com.sun.star.embed.ElementModes.READ

  ReDim mLog()
oMyStorage = oStorageFactory.createInstanceWithArguments(Array(sURL, iMode)) AppendItem(mLog(), "oMyStorage = oStorageFactory.createInstanceWithArguments(Array(sURL, iMode))" )
  FillElementList(oMyStorage, "")
  SaveDataToFile("file:///home/paolo/log.txt", mLog())

  ReDim mLog()
  oMyStorage = ThisComponent.getDocumentStorage()
  AppendItem(mLog(), "oMyStorage = ThisComponent.getDocumentStorage()" )
  FillElementList(oMyStorage, "")
  SaveDataToFile("file:///home/paolo/log1.txt", mLog())

End Sub

Sub FillElementList(oStorage, sPath)
on Error goto ErrH
  AppendItem(mLog(), sPath & "/" )
  For Each sElemName In oStorage.ElementNames()
    If oStorage.isStorageElement(sElemName) Then

oElem = oStorage.openStorageElement(sElemName, com.sun.star.embed.ElementModes.READ)
      FillElementList(oElem, sPath & "/" & sElemName)
      AppendItem(mLog(), sPath & "/" & sElemName)
    End If
  Exit Sub
  AppendItem(mLog(), "openStorageElement :" & sElemName & " - " & Error$ )
  Resume GoAhead

End Sub

Sub AppendItem(mList(), vItem)
Dim iMax As Long

  iMax = UBound(mList())
  iMax = iMax + 1
  Redim Preserve mList(iMax)
  mList(iMax) = vItem

End Sub
oMyStorage = oStorageFactory.createInstanceWithArguments(Array(sURL, iMode))
/ObjectReplacements/Object 1
/ObjectReplacements/Object 2
/ObjectReplacements/Object 3
/Object 1/
/Object 1/content.xml
/Object 1/styles.xml
/Object 1/meta.xml
/Object 2/
/Object 2/content.xml
/Object 2/styles.xml
/Object 2/meta.xml
/Object 3/
/Object 3/content.xml
/Object 3/styles.xml
/Object 3/meta.xml
oMyStorage = ThisComponent.getDocumentStorage()
openStorageElement :Configurations2 - Si è verificata un'eccezione 
Type: com.sun.star.io.IOException
Message: .
/ObjectReplacements/Object 1
/ObjectReplacements/Object 2
/ObjectReplacements/Object 3
openStorageElement :Object 1 - Si è verificata un'eccezione 
Type: com.sun.star.io.IOException
Message: .
openStorageElement :Object 2 - Si è verificata un'eccezione 
Type: com.sun.star.io.IOException
Message: .
openStorageElement :Object 3 - Si è verificata un'eccezione 
Type: com.sun.star.io.IOException
Message: .
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