This leads to a couple other questions:

1) On the CloseDialog() subroutine, if I want to execute it from a button in 
the dialog, how can I pass the dialog itself to the routine?

2) Is there any way to run a macro when the "X" on the title bar of the dialog 
is clicked?



On Jun 16, 2011, at 3:30 AM, Fernand Vanrie wrote:

> Hal ,
> Y ou can set a Dialogcontrol visible or not , but we need a timeloop to keep 
> it visible
> i use 2 sub's for open and closing
> Sub Opendialog
> bEnd = false
> oDialogcontrol.setvisible(true)
> Do
> Wait 100  ' keep computer running (should use "wait for key event" if existed)
> Loop while not bEnd
> end sub
> sub CloseDialog(dialog as object)
>  dialog.setvisible(false)
>  Bend = true
> end sub
> Hop it Helps
>> I've mentioned the sticky-note project I'm working on yesterday in two 
>> emails.
>> Now I'm running into a problem: I'd like to display a number of 
>> sticky-notes, but to display any kind of dialog in BASIC, I need to do 
>> something like this:
>>      oSticky = createUnoDialog(DialogLibraries.HalLib.StickyNote)
>>      oSticky.Execute()
>> And the program will stop until I close the dialog, either by the close 
>> button, a cancel, or OK, or another button.
>> That means the only way to have multiple dialogs open is to open one and 
>> from there, open the next, and then open the next and so on.
>> Is there some way, from BASIC, to display a dialog and leave it open without 
>> it stopping a script?
>> Thank you!
>> Hal--
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