On 16/06/2011 10:20, Hal Vaughan wrote:
This leads to a couple other questions:

1) On the CloseDialog() subroutine, if I want to execute it from a button in 
the dialog, how can I pass the dialog itself to the routine?
you can add a listener to the button (using code) or manualy using the GUI to place a "event" on the button who call a macro subroutine
2) Is there any way to run a macro when the "X" on the title bar of the dialog 
is clicked?
no, you can add a listener on closing the dialog or using the the "stetvisible" who avoid the functioning off the X and you can add a "cancelbuton" who call a sub who close the dialog and do someting more...


On Jun 16, 2011, at 3:30 AM, Fernand Vanrie wrote:

Hal ,

Y ou can set a Dialogcontrol visible or not , but we need a timeloop to keep it 

i use 2 sub's for open and closing

Sub Opendialog
bEnd = false
Wait 100  ' keep computer running (should use "wait for key event" if existed)
Loop while not bEnd
end sub

sub CloseDialog(dialog as object)
  Bend = true
end sub

Hop it Helps
I've mentioned the sticky-note project I'm working on yesterday in two emails.

Now I'm running into a problem: I'd like to display a number of sticky-notes, 
but to display any kind of dialog in BASIC, I need to do something like this:

        oSticky = createUnoDialog(DialogLibraries.HalLib.StickyNote)

And the program will stop until I close the dialog, either by the close button, 
a cancel, or OK, or another button.

That means the only way to have multiple dialogs open is to open one and from 
there, open the next, and then open the next and so on.

Is there some way, from BASIC, to display a dialog and leave it open without it 
stopping a script?

Thank you!

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