Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
--On Sunday, February 15, 2004 1:06 PM -0500 Jeff Trawick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd guess that a conversion to the less cool but more widely
ported/precompiled/preinstalled P* scripting language would be a rather
quick and would not suffer greatly from uncoolness and would pick up
additional people able and/or willing to maintain it ;)

If you did that, I bet we'd lose people willing to maintain it. ;-)

No surprise there ;) But I would guess that part of the elevation in importance of willing-ness vs. able-ness + availability in choice of implementation languages is due to most people not having choices like these to consider:

a) go find some way to build Python on z/OS; I've found some site that claims to have patches to make it work; haven't tried yet though; also, there are multiple levels of the OS that I use with widely varying capabilities; possibly more invention may be required to support V2R8

b) create a mechanism where I can easily transfer the output of the python to z/OS and also fix the charset issue with gen-test-chars

c) rewrite what seems like a relatively small amount of Python into Perl or sh+sed+whatever

Choice c) is the only permanent solution that is done once and then everybody benefits from. For now there aren't enough hours in the day to mess with it.

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