Ruediger Pluem wrote:
> On 06/06/2007 11:45 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>> I'm quite partial to your third solution, I trust from performance that
>> this is the greatest net efficiency (but per platform tests would be needed
>> to confirm this).  This is worth dumping 1.2.9 and rerolling 1.2.10 IMHO
>> (along with other small fixes that are identified today or tomorrow morning.)
> I know, that I am late with this, but how about backporting the patch for 
> PR28205
> (
> Additionally to my remarks in #12 I also checked it now on RHAS4 64 bit 
> without
> any hasle.

IIUC - this patch does NOT add -L/path at all for /usr/lib, /usr/lib64, if the
compiler resolves the -lexpat, correct?

If so, amen!  Be my guest to get this committed and get our fingers our of the
compiler's business.

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