On 19/10/09 15:41, Jeff Trawick wrote:

Perhaps I'm out in left field, but I anticipate that packagers will
determine the appropriate arch flags based on exactly what hardware
they support, and use that across a number of open source packages.


(Should "foo-32" support any 32-bit foo processor ever made, or just
those that could have been made in the last 10 years, or just those
supported by the level of the OS the packager prereqs, or ???)

I'm not saying this would satisfy each and every possibility
just like config.layout doesn't. However, we have config.layout
with some of the layouts that might even be different on
the actual platform.
We could have similar thing for arch options, that each
packager could use as a template for the actual or specific
target config. The point is that configure would offer an
infrastructure for easy selection of those options in a same
way one can append <Layout foo> to the config.layout
and use ./configure --enable-layout=foo


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