Mikael Rahbek wrote:
As part of our development we use a substituted drive (Windows 10):


subst r: C:\Data\Production_work_7_1_Clean

In the root of r: there is now always shown a change with status missing

If checking from C:\Data\Production_work_7_1_Clean it shows the status correct.

Thank you for reporting this problem.

If you can reproduce the issue using 'svn' command-line commands like 'svn status', then please show the actual commands and their output.

(If you cannot, then please report the problem to the TortoiseSVN project instead.)

Also please show the output of 'svn info' in both places, like this:

cd \Data\Production_work_7_1_Clean
svn info


cd \
svn info

The problem is new inĀ 1.13.1, Build 28686 (TortoiseSvn)

Before 13 this was not a problem.

I have been told that the reason for the fault could be because subversion APR is changed from 1.6.x to 1.7.0?

I can't do Windows debugging myself but if you provide the above information there is a good chance that somebody here will be able to debug it.

- Julian

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