> On 24 Nov 2020, at 18:51, William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:
> Yes, I'm on it. 1.6.x and prior somewhat works. 1.7.0 does not, asking
> for apr_stat of a root drive. Seeing the request yesterday for a new release,
> I'd like the chance to fix that quirk of the Win32 API and populate the stat
> struct with something resembling correct info about the root mounts.

Is the issue here that we have something that simply won't map onto
Windows expectations, so there is no solution that will work for Johan
without re-introducting PR#47630?

If so, perhaps what we need is an additional argument that'll switch
between the two behaviours (ignored on non-windows), and to
deprecate the existing problematic API.

I'm reluctant to jump in here myself 'cos it's been many years since I
had access to a Windows machine, let alone a dev environment.
But it's simple enough, I guess I could hack up a "looks OK" patch
to do that in the absence of any alternative proposal?

BTW, please don't Cc: me replies to this thread.  I get it on the APR
dev list, and I don't need a second copy!

Nick Kew

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