Hi folks,
As has been discussed in the biweekly meetings (and in the notes from those
meetings here on the mailing list), we're looking at an October timeline
for our next release since we are going about 3 months between releases. So
that we might get the release voted on and shipped by the middle of the
month, we should aim to be ready to cut our first (and final!) release
candidate by next Friday, October 9.

According to
there are still 178 issues tagged for 2.0 that are not yet started. That
seems... ambitious. Please do go through the backlog and push to the next
release (i.e. 3.0.0) unassigned issues that aren't likely to land in the
next 10 days.

Likewise, I see that there are a few issues tagged as "blocker". Let's
determine whether those truly should prevent a release candidate from being
made, and if so, let's make sure they get done ASAP.


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