On 2017-12-01 00:31, Madhan Neethiraj <mad...@apache.org> wrote: 

> To get rid of “Connection refused” WARN logs, please set the following 
> property in conf/atlas-application.properties and start Atlas

> atlas.server.ha.zookeeper.connect=localhost:2181

This line was commented out. I uncommented, but having then restarted atlas, I 
get the same zookeeper errors

> Not sure what causes HBase error “ConnectionLoss for 
> /hbase/meta-region-server” in your environment though. By any chance, is 
> there another zookeeper running in your env?

No other zookeeper/hadoop components, just 'desktop' apps intellij, gaiandb, 
postgres/mysql etc.

I see from the review board item that David has similar issues?
Note that I did get your prior script to run clean...

I am building on mac? I know you mentioned previously some of the test attempts 
were on linux

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