On 2017-12-01 00:52, "Nigel Jones"<nigel.l.jo...@gmail.com> wrote: 

> > atlas.server.ha.zookeeper.connect=localhost:2181

Reading the posts from earlier I then added
00:57 $ export MANAGE_LOCAL_SOLR=true
00:57 $ export MANAGE_LOCAL_HBASE=true
00:58 $ echo 
 >> conf/atlas-application.properties

With these done, Atlas starts up much more cleanly. I hadn't realised we needed 
elements of the prior script alongside the patch. I would expect the patch/fix 
to have add the necessary config so that the build 'would just work'.

The index creation (as noted) is taking a while, and of course when the atlas 
startup complete returns, the initial type setup is still processing. This 
eventually completes. I'm also able to run quick_start (slowly), with just the 
final DSL query failing

So much better..... :-)

At the very least we should update the build docs to clarify these required 
steps, but I do think the less manual steps we have the better?

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