We have some hints in the gradle files that used to allow a smooth import with 
no extra steps*. Have the hints gotten out of date or are there new hints we 
can put in that might help?

If you're referring to the `gradle idea` task which generates IntelliJ IPR files, that doesn't work anymore. The build is way too involved for that too work. We've since removed this from the contribute guide.

There is still the IntelliJ tips page which describes a different (non-working) procedure. In the end, you have to fiddle with the project setup, i.e. adding the vendor JAR to the classpath where necessary. But it breaks as soon as your refresh the Gradle project.

Romain, can you really get it to work out of the box with your method? If so, I'd like to contact you for information to update the IntelliJ page.

Note, this is not the first conversation, so we should really fix the instructions/describe the workarounds. See also https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/c8323622e5de92089ebdfecee09a0e37cae0c631e1bebf06ed9f2bc6@%3Cdev.beam.apache.org%3E

On 01.10.18 23:32, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
Personally i drop all caches - idea + ivy + maven beam folder, build in console skipping test execution - important cause idea is not able to import the project without a correctly ran gradle setup and a failure can corrupt later imports, then I kill gradle daemon and finally import beam in idea using the wrapper.

As it has been mentionned you will have to run tests using gradle wrapper due to current gradle setup which slows down a lot the execution compared to native idea one but at least it will run and you can debug normally.

Le lun. 1 oct. 2018 22:38, Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org <mailto:k...@apache.org>> a écrit :

    We have some hints in the gradle files that used to allow a smooth
    import with no extra steps*. Have the hints gotten out of date or
    are there new hints we can put in that might help?


    *anyhow at least for a week or two for a couple of people :-)

    On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 1:26 PM Ismaël Mejía <ieme...@gmail.com
    <mailto:ieme...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Hello Alex,

        I understand your pain and thanks for bringing this subject, I also
        have found many issues in the process to the point of believing
        recently that it is undeterministic.
        Last time I followed the process ~3 weeks ago. I had to clean up all
        caches (both remove the intelliJ temp files and the gradle cache
        files) and also I had to refresh the project in IntelliJ's
        gradle tool
        windows view after the initial import at least 2 times until it
        finally worked. Also remember that 2018.2 is not supported as
        by Ryan some weeks ago (not sure if already fixed).

        Probably there was something corrupted in my setup but I have heard
        similar stories of at least 2 more people.
        I really don't know how we can improve the current status quo
        apart of
        contacting the IntelliJ guys but I am concerned on how this can
        be an
        issue for new contributors.

        On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 8:47 PM Rui Wang <ruw...@google.com
        <mailto:ruw...@google.com>> wrote:
         > Hi Alex,
         > I had troubles when importing JAVA SDK to intellij at the
         > Besides what the instruction says, some extra steps that
        might help:
         > 1. Preferences/Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment >
        Build Tools > Gradle > Runner, choose Gradle Test Runner in the
        dropdown menu.
         > 2. Enable annotation processor.
         > -Rui
         > On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 11:33 AM Jean-Baptiste Onofré
        <j...@nanthrax.net <mailto:j...@nanthrax.net>> wrote:
         >> Hi Alex,
         >> After a git clean -fdx (removing all IDEA resources), I just
        open the
         >> folder in IntelliJ and it imports the project.
         >> It works fine so far (NB: I don't build using IntelliJ, it's
        mostly an
         >> editor for me, I use the command line for any other stuff
        like git,
         >> gradle, ...).
         >> Regards
         >> JB
         >> On 01/10/2018 20:05, Alex Amato wrote:
         >> > Hello,
         >> >
         >> > I'm looking to get a good intellij setup working and then
        update the
         >> > documentation how to build and test the java SDK with
         >> >
         >> > Does anyone have a good setup working, with some tips? I
        followed our
         >> > instructions here, but I found that after following these
        steps I could
         >> > not build or test the project. It seemed like the build
        button did
         >> > nothing and the test buttons did not appear.
         >> > https://beam.apache.org/contribute/intellij/
         >> >
         >> > I'm also curious about the gradle support for generating
         >> > projects. Has anyone tried this as well?
         >> >
         >> > Any tips would be appreciated.
         >> > Thank you,
         >> > Alex
         >> --
         >> Jean-Baptiste Onofré
         >> jbono...@apache.org <mailto:jbono...@apache.org>
         >> http://blog.nanthrax.net
         >> Talend - http://www.talend.com

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