Hello Beam devs,
we finished our main goals in development of Euphoria DSL. It is Easy to use 
Java 8 API build on top of the Beam's Java SDK. API provides a high-level 
abstraction of data transformations, with focus on the Java 8 language features 
(e.g. lambdas and streams). It is fully inter-operable with existing Beam SDK 
and convertible back and forth. It allows fast prototyping through use of 
(optional) Kryo based coders and can be seamlessly integrated into existing 
Beam Pipelines.

Now we believe that it is the time to start discussion about it with the 
community. Which will hopefully lead to vote about adapting it into Apache Beam 
project. Most of main ideas and development goals were presented in Beam Summit 
in London [1].

We are looking for reviewers within the community. Please start with 
documentation [2] or design document [3]. Our contribution is divided to two 
modules: `org.apache.beam:beam-sdks-java-extensions-euphoria` and 
`org.apache.beam:beam-sdks-java-extensions-kryo`. Rest of the code base remains 
All the checks in MR [5] are passing with exception of "Website PreCommit". 
Which seems to be broken, little help here would be appreciated.

Thank you
We are looking forward for your feedback.

[1] Beam Summit London presentation: 
[2] Documentation: 
[3] Design Document: https://s.apache.org/beam-euphoria
[4] ASF Jira Issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-3900
[5] Pull Request: https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/6601
[6] Original proposal: 

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