Do you want to use it in the core SDK or the SDK harness? Does the state
sampling code depend on the core SDK?

I'd really like to avoid layers with names like "common". Just delete that
layer of the directory and the path hierarchy has exactly the same meaning,
but is more concise and clear.


On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 10:49 AM Alex Amato <> wrote:

> I would like to reuse the State Sampling classes from the Dataflow Runner
> Harness in the Beam Java SDK. I created a Refactoring plan
> <>and
> removed the Dataflow references from the classes in PR/7507
> <>.
> SInce the Java SDK cannot depend on the Dataflow Runner Harness, then I
> can do one of these options
>    - Create a new gradle project/folder and locate the code in a shared
>    location?
>       - i.e. create a new: beam/*common*/java/*extensions/state-sampling*
>    - Move the code in a Java SDK projects, which will work since the
>    runner harness can depend on the SDK?
>       - i.e.reuse the existing: beam/*sdks*/java/
>       *extensions/state-sampling*

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