any Java SDK Harness coult use*

On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 1:22 PM Alex Amato <> wrote:

> Just the SDK harness, it doesn't need to be part of the user APIs or
> anything. But I want to offer it as a library that any Java SDK could use
> to enable state sampling as a low weight estimation of execution times,
> which is useful to implement the execution time metrics. So I don't see a
> need to put it on the core SDK.
> Then I think that our options would be:
>    - create a new: beam/java/*extensions/state-sampling*
>    - reuse the existing: beam/*sdks*/java/*extensions/state-sampling*
> On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 10:59 AM Kenneth Knowles <> wrote:
>> Do you want to use it in the core SDK or the SDK harness? Does the state
>> sampling code depend on the core SDK?
>> I'd really like to avoid layers with names like "common". Just delete
>> that layer of the directory and the path hierarchy has exactly the same
>> meaning, but is more concise and clear.
>> Kenn
>> On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 10:49 AM Alex Amato <> wrote:
>>> I would like to reuse the State Sampling classes from the Dataflow
>>> Runner Harness in the Beam Java SDK. I created a Refactoring plan
>>> <>and
>>> removed the Dataflow references from the classes in PR/7507
>>> <>.
>>> SInce the Java SDK cannot depend on the Dataflow Runner Harness, then I
>>> can do one of these options
>>>    - Create a new gradle project/folder and locate the code in a shared
>>>    location?
>>>       - i.e. create a new: beam/*common*/java/
>>>       *extensions/state-sampling*
>>>    - Move the code in a Java SDK projects, which will work since the
>>>    runner harness can depend on the SDK?
>>>       - i.e.reuse the existing: beam/*sdks*/java/
>>>       *extensions/state-sampling*

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