> I have a WiP PR to convert Beam to use pytest, but it's been stalled.

What would it take to get it back on track?

> Another nice thing about pytest is that you'll be able to tell which suite
> a test belongs to.

pytest has a lot of quality of life improvements over nose.  The biggest
and simplest one is that the test name that it prints is in the same format
as the runner expects for specifying individual tests to run, so you can
just copy and paste on the command line to run that one test.  Genius.
Also, since it uses directory names for tests and not module names, you can
tab complete.   The whole fixture concept is also great, since it gives you
a new axis for test composability and reuse, instead of just complex
sub-classing or copy-and-paste.   After switching to pytest we went through
our tests and replaced all of our horrible test mixins with fixtures and
the end result is much more legible and maintainable.  There's honestly
nothing I miss about nose.


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