+1 for better organization. I would have gone to ApacheCon LV had I known
there was going to be a Beam summit there.

On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 9:31 AM Alexey Romanenko <aromanenko....@gmail.com>

> On 8 Nov 2019, at 11:32, Maximilian Michels <m...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> > The dates sounds good to me. I agree that the bay area has an advantage
> because of its large tech community. On the other hand, it is a question of
> how we run the event. For Berlin we managed to get about 200 attendees to
> Berlin, but for the BeamSummit in Las Vegas with ApacheCon the attendance
> was much lower.
> I agree with your point Max and I believe that it would be more efficient
> to run Beam Summit as a “standalone" event (as it was done in London and
> Berlin) which will allow us to attract mostly
> Beam-oriented/interested/focused audience comparing to running this as part
> of ApacheCon or any other large conferences where are many other different
> topics and tracks.
> > Should this also be discussed on the user mailing list?
> Definitively! Despite the fact that users opinion is a key point here, it
> will not be so easy to get not-biased statistics in this question.
> The time frames are also very important since holidays in different
> countries (for example, August is traditionally a "vacation month" in
> France and some other European countries) can effect people availability
> and influent the final number of participants in the end.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Max
> >
> > On 07.11.19 22:50, Alex Van Boxel wrote:
> >> For date wise, I'm wondering why we should switching the Europe and NA
> one, this would mean that the Berlin and the new EU summit would be almost
> 1.5 years apart.
> >>  _/
> >> _/ Alex Van Boxel
> >> On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 8:43 PM Ahmet Altay <al...@google.com <mailto:
> al...@google.com>> wrote:
> >>    I prefer bay are for NA summit. My reasoning is that there is a
> >>    criticall mass of contributors and users in that location, probably
> >>    more than alternative NA locations. I was not involved with planning
> >>    recently and I do not know if there were people who could attend due
> >>    to location previously. If that is the case, I agree with Elliotte
> >>    on looking for other options.
> >>    Related to dates: March (Asia) and mid-May (NA) dates are a bit
> >>    close. Mid-June for NA might be better to spread events. Other
> >>    pieces looks good.
> >>    Ahmet
> >>    On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 7:09 AM Elliotte Rusty Harold
> >>    <elh...@ibiblio.org <mailto:elh...@ibiblio.org>> wrote:
> >>        The U.S. sadly is not a reliable destination for international
> >>        conferences these days. Almost every conference I go to, big and
> >>        small, has at least one speaker, sometimes more, who can't get
> into
> >>        the country. Canada seems worth considering. Vancouver,
> >>        Montreal, and
> >>        Toronto are all convenient.
> >>        On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 2:17 PM Griselda Cuevas <g...@apache.org
> >>        <mailto:g...@apache.org>> wrote:
> >>         >
> >>         > Hi Beam Community!
> >>         >
> >>         > I'd like to kick off a thread to discuss potential dates and
> >>        venues for the 2020 Beam Summits.
> >>         >
> >>         > I did some research on industry conferences happening in 2020
> >>        and pre-selected a few ranges as follows:
> >>         >
> >>         > (2 days) NA between mid-May and mid-June
> >>         > (2 days) EU mid October
> >>         > (1 day) Asia Mini Summit:  March
> >>         >
> >>         > I'd like to hear your thoughts on these dates and get
> >>        consensus on exact dates as the convo progresses.
> >>         >
> >>         > For locations these are the options I reviewed:
> >>         >
> >>         > NA: Austin Texas, Berkeley California, Mexico City.
> >>         > Europe: Warsaw, Barcelona, Paris
> >>         > Asia: Singapore
> >>         >
> >>         > Let the discussion begin!
> >>         > G (on behalf of the Beam Summit Steering Committee)
> >>         >
> >>         >
> >>         >
> >>        --         Elliotte Rusty Harold
> >>        elh...@ibiblio.org <mailto:elh...@ibiblio.org>

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